Your Questions Answered

‘We are born intimate beings, and we die intimate beings. MRKH does not change that’

Learning you have a reproductive and sexual anatomy that exists within its own realm can be a shock. This shock provokes many questions that are not simple to answer.

Questions such as: Am I a woman? How does sex work with my body? Can I have sex? What about children?

These questions, inevitably, lead to more questions. This page exists for such questions to be heard, answered, and steeped into the ether of the MRKH Community!

Cultivating a healthy relationship with intimacy, both within ourselves and with others, is a crucial building block to a life packed full of pleasure.

Intimacy includes hugging friends and family, the way we speak to ourselves, kissing, a candlelit dinner, a romantic evening with a partner’s body we want to explore, a romantic evening with our own body, a deep conversation with a friend/family member/lover, holding hands, brushing someone’s hair, and so on…

It’s crucial to remember intimacy must be practiced alongside healthy boundaries and self worth. You may also be interested in checking out our Mental Health and Wellbeing resources along with this page.

This MRKH and Intimacy page is a safe space where we can speak openly, ask questions, and assemble a resource database on some of the unspoken or taboo elements regarding MRKH and intimacy.

Things to know about intimacy:

1. Intimacy is learned and experienced through practice and self awareness.

2. Intimacy is expanded and explored within a safe environment.

3. Intimacy is something all who are diagnosed with MRKH can embrace.

4. Intimacy is a gateway to pleasure, confidence, and a healthy sex life.

5. Intimacy starts with you and blossoms from there.

Be intimate with yourself.  Get to know yourself.  Discover what it is you want. 

Ask for what you want.  Consider others.

Know, and believe, your worth is as high as the sky.

MRKH is most frequently diagnosed in adolescence, when young women are learning about the physical changes to their bodies and possibly experiencing their first sexual milestones.  It has been shown that receiving a diagnosis of MRKH at such a developmentally sensitive time can have a significant impact on feelings around gender and sexual identity often leading to feelings of shame or embarrassment.  Consequently, research has shown that those with MRKH may avoid, or delay, sexual discovery and intimacy, avoid meeting a partner and avoid intervention to enable them to have penetrative sex (e.g. dilator treatment) because of how they feel about their MRKH diagnosis.  Moreover, many with MRKH have reported putting the needs of a partner before their own, thereby accepting relationships/sexual situations which may not be satisfactory.  In terms of sexual function, some research has shown that those with MRKH can experience difficulties getting an orgasm and pain during sex.  Whilst in contrast, other studies have shown that many do not experience difficulties and longer-term sexual function and satisfaction has been found to be generally similar to someone without a MRKH diagnosis.  This is thought to be related to better acceptance of the diagnosis, more experience with intercourse, a stable partner, trust in a relationship, and decreased anxiety.

Building and learning comfortability in your own skin starts with having an open, explorative mind. Taking the time to nourish, learn, and explore yourself is priceless and transformative.

There are many ways to get started:

  • Breathing exercises and meditation. Breath connects our bodies and minds and fills us with oxygen thus allowing us to slow down and really feel our bodies.  Great places to start are the full deep yoga breath or box breathing. As for meditation there are many apps, YouTube videos, and podcasts to choose from. Search around for some that you resonate with and practice throughout each week.
  • Positive self talk. This will enhance a compassionate relationship with the self in both mind and body. You know when your mind starts nitpicking at the shape of your breasts or the fat on your belly or at your sense of worth? Notice those moments and retrain your brain with positive self talk by telling yourself “I am ok, safe, beautiful, worthy, and my breasts are beautiful and I cherish my body.” Basically, talk to yourself in the same way you would talk to your best friend if they said something negative about themselves!
  • Understand what makes you feel sexy and confident. What we practice in our bedrooms/with ourselves is what we bring into sensual relationships with others so get down with your sexy self!  Perhaps dancing makes you feel sexy and confident. If so, put aside 5 mins each day to dance in front of the mirror and awaken sensuality and sexy sense of self!  Or, perhaps putting on a cute and flattering outfit can help awaken feelings of confidence and comfort in the body. If so, put extra time into your daily routine of getting ready.

Taking time to notice your body in all its glory will carry you through your day and through your life. When you see yourself as sexy and respectable, you will attract positive sexual energy, and you deserve it!

If you have time and want to explore this topic further why not check out the links below

Pleasure and orgasms are possible for each and every one of us! Pleasure is a human right and the clitoris is the only part of the body that exists solely for pleasure.

Remember orgasms are generated mostly in the mind and in the ability to relax into “feel good” sensations. Think of it as surrendering to pleasure, surrendering to the moment, surrendering to the connection between your partner and yourself.

A few crucial elements for pleasurable sex and orgasms:

  • Good communication – Communicate what feels good and what does not feel good to your partner. Check in with each other. Allow yourself to sigh or moan when something feels good (studies show those who are more verbal during sex experience more pleasure!). If at any point you want to stop, that’s ok! Speak up.
  • Feelings of safety – Sexuality in vulva owners tends to operate from a place of context. Is this situation sexy to you? do you feel safe, adored? Are you comfortable? All these factors play a huge role in reaching climax.
  • Adequate foreplay – focus on the sensations you feel from your partners touch, then focus on relaxing into those sensations. If it’s difficult to relax into clitoral stimulation, practice on relaxing into a back rub or a gentle caress on the inner thighs first. Foreplay is more than stimulation of the genitals! Stimulating both the vulva and clitoris during foreplay is amazing, but get your flow going with kisses, caresses, nipple play, and then work towards stimulation of you and your partner’s genitals. This will build erotic tension and heighten pleasure/orgasms.
  • Being present – pleasure and orgasm come from connection and an ebb and flow of giving and receiving. Be present whilst giving pleasure to a partner and whilst receiving pleasure. When distracting or negative thoughts come up, direct the thoughts back to the sensations you are feeling; surrender to them, sink into them, breath, and acknowledge that you are worthy and capable of pleasure.
  • Playfulness – Laugh, have fun, explore, play music or a film to create atmosphere, and go at a pace that’s comfortable for everyone involved.

The true basis of sexual pleasure is the relationship you have with yourself. Taking time for self play and self exploration will lead to enhanced pleasure and orgasms with partners. What you practice alone is what you bring into the bedroom!

This all takes time, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey!

If you have time, and want to explore this topic further, why not check out the link below and we also recommend looking at our friends resources over at Mind Over MRKH

There are many avenues to embrace, explore, and awaken pleasure potential!

No matter which avenue you choose, exploration is key. Always prioritize fun, playfulness, and self acceptance/love.

Things to remember:

  1. Pleasure is not a race and there is no place to “get to”.
  2. Go at a pace that feels comfortable.
  3. Practice in a safe space where you can retain a sense of privacy.
  4. Incorporate mindfulness, breath, and be aware of how different sensations feel.

Exercises to try:

  • In the shower

— step 1: massage oil into your body in the shower. Focus on sensations of how the touch, the oil, the water all feel and practice relaxing into those sensations. Remember to breathe!

— step 2: massage yourself in the shower again whilst connecting the touch to the sexiness you feel in a cute outfit or when dancing in the mirror. Remember you deserve pleasure and are more than capable of getting it.

  • In bed

— step 1: use fingers to feel and explore different parts of the body; breasts, legs, bones, your neck, etc. The skin all over the body is packed with nerves and ready for pleasure! Get to know this kind of pleasure first.

— step 2: once you feel ready, use fingers to explore the vulva and clitoris (preferably using lube or saliva to enhance sensation in the genitals). Explore the vulva and clitoris with the same curiosity as the other parts of your body. This exploration will show you what feels good and then you can build on it from there!

Once you feel confident and comfortable touching yourself, try stimulating the clitoris and vulva using water pressure from the shower head or bath tap or try vibrators.

If you have time, or want to explore this topic further, why not check out the links below?

First of all, thank you for reaching out and for caring enough about yourself to ask this question. Break ups can be painful, but they are also an opportunity to give yourself space to grow and decide what you want/need to move on to a next, more fulfilling relationship.

MRKH is a part of you, but it does not define you or your respective relationships. We understand that ending up in hospital because of an attempt at intercourse is traumatic.  But you are not alone, you are not broken, and intimacy and pleasure is still inside you where it has always been! Please also know that tearing does not happen just to those with MRKH and because it happened once it does not mean it will happen again, although we completely understand that there is a fear and concern that it will next time you have penetrative sex.

Here are some tips for going on with life, surgery, and, most importantly, a nourished an intimate relationship with yourself and with a partner:

Physical and psychological release of trauma: Consider the fact that after a gazelle escapes a chase by a tiger, that gazelle’s reaction is to shake violently in order to release the trauma of being chased. We, too, are mammals and need to release our traumas to carry on living and flourishing. There are many ways to do this. From screaming into a pillow, crying, jumping around and dancing, practicing yoga, mindful meditation to going for a run and everything in between. Choose a process that works for you! The trick is to be mindful that you are releasing a tension from your body. Healing, relaxation, and self discovery is a process. So don’t rush or be hard on yourself. Dip your toe in and go at a pace that suits you.

Learning to understand and communicate your boundaries and desires: To feel confident in establishing a fulfilling and comfortable sexual relationship with yourself and future partners, start by acknowledging this: your sexual pleasure potential is full, radiant, and is not, in any way, lessened by your MRKH. Even without a fully formed vaginal canal, an MRKH vulva can feel pleasure and orgasm just the same as any other vulva can! Check out our friends Mind Over MRKH for some more tips on this topic.

Next step is exploration and communication. Explore your body as it is right now. Feel free to explore your hair, your mind, and even your vulva (even babies do this). Notice which parts of your body, or which types of thoughts, feel tingly and pleasant. When something does feel good, give yourself that gift of experiencing that pleasure. There’s no goal of filling a role or of reaching orgasm. Just notice what feels good.

Then, next time you are considering getting intimate with a partner you can communicate what you are ok with doing, what feels good to you, and what you are not ok with doing. Communicating your desires and boundaries, whilst also being attentive of your partners desires and boundaries, will create a safe space to for pleasure, intimacy, and connection to flourish. A great tip to also try during both intimacy with yourself and with your partner is the use of lubrication.  Lubrication can help improve comfort and enhance sensation which can be especially beneficial after a tear where the area feels tighter and more sensitive.

Keep in mind that anyone who does not respond well to communication around boundaries and desires is not worth your time.

Do it for yourself: The most important thing regarding surgery or dilation therapy is to make sure you are doing it for yourself and not for someone else. It’s a big decision and it’s your decision. But, until you decide, keep exploring what feels good on your body. Then later, if you decide to lengthen your vaginal canal, you can continue exploring what feels good. You don’t have to wait for a surgery or dilation therapy to experience pleasure and feel sexy. You’ve got this!

You can find out more about making your own choices at What is MRKH or you can always have a chat with us and we can help signpost you to local resources that may be available in your region.

Thanks for your question. It seems you have had 4 years to digest your diagnosis and now you are ready to explore options. That’s great!

We understand that respectfully navigating your intimate desires within the lens of family and culture is not easy but we hope the below provides some suggestions for you, and others, navigating your own journey with pleasure.

Firstly, your sexual needs are valid and real.

As your parents are uncomfortable with any conversation around sex, one option is to present the subject to them in a way that bypasses the subject of sex. If this feels comfortable to you, a possible way to bring this up is to tell them that you want to feel the same as other girls and have the surgery, or dilation therapy, because this will ease your mind and allow you to walk through life with more confidence and excitement for the future. The truth is that surgery or dilation, or both, is a process that takes time.

It is ideal to have people who love you, like your parents, around while you embark on your MRKH vaginal canal creation journey and know that you don’t have to do it alone. There is support out there and many with shared experiences that you may find helpful. You may for example like to also reach out to MRKH India or connect using our other reach out suggestions below.

Here are some other steps we can all take towards exploring, understanding, and owning our own sexuality and intimate pleasure:

Sharing with friends who are supportive: Have you had the chance, or do you feel comfortable, to ask them about how sexual pleasure looks and feels to them? Your pleasure potential is no different from theirs! Why? Because the true source of intimate pleasure comes from the clitoris and the vulva, and you have both of those. If you are comfortable, get your most trusted friends together and open a conversation around pleasure

What you can do now and on your own: Explore your body and your pleasure points in a private and safe environment (your bedroom, etc). You deserve sensual pleasure and are more than capable of receiving it! Sexual experience is a dance of giving and receiving. When you explore giving and receiving pleasure on your own, this will make you ready for experiences with others. Knowing what you like will make you more confident when you feel ready to meet your sexual needs with partners. Plus, your pleasure is for you and you deserve it.

Here’s how you can start to explore your body.

    • Explore the sensation of touch.
    • Not only on your breasts and vulva/clitoris, but also your arms, your inner thighs, your ear lobes.
    • Allow your mind to engage in fantasies where you see yourself as sexy and desirable, and in fantasies that turn you on.
    • When you get to the vulva, use lubrication – saliva or high quality oil can work fine if you do not want to purchase personal lubricant from the shops. Remember to breathe and take things slowly. Sexual satisfaction comes both from the mind and body.
    • It is a practice. So, explore your body, practice doing so without self judgement, and engage your mind in visualizations of you as a radiant sexual being. Because you totally are!
    • Your job is to allow yourself to see and release that very human element inside of you.

Reach out: There are MRKH support groups who can help connect you with others or just for a chat. Talk to friends when things are hard. Reach out to MRKHer’s on Instagram or tiktok.  Keep a journal where you can write out your experiences and thoughts. Allow yourself to cry when you need to. You do not have to harbor these feelings inside of you. You are brave and you are ready. We know this because you have reached out. Like many MRKHer’s, the reality that you are forced to think about and face your sexuality because of MRKH will make you more comfortable with your sexuality and pleasure than you might have been otherwise.

We are excited for your journey and we believe in you. You are not alone. You are 1 in 5,000,and don’t forget to be patient with yourself.

Thank you for reaching out! 
As a charity, we are not qualified to answer questions of a medical nature. We recommend you speak with your doctor about this and what might be most relevant in your case. You also have the option to book an appointment with more than one doctor to get a second opinion and shouldn’t be afraid to do this if you feel unsure. Even though we cannot answer as to what course of treatment is best for you, we are here for you and can provide the following support and information. 
Please know that you are not alone in the experience of being told by a doctor that you have a hard hymen. In fact, two of us on the charity team also received an initial opinion from our doctors that a hard hymen was present. For each of us, this was not the case.
Whilst we can’t advise on what treatment may be most suitable for you, the most important thing to keep in mind is that a vaginal lengthening surgery or dilation therapy is YOUR decision. You have the rights to your body and there is no value in rushing. Always go at a pace that feels comfortable.
In regards to intimacy and intercourse, please remember that pleasure and a healthy sensual sense of self is NOT dependent on an ability to participate in penetrative intercourse. 
One big myth that plagues the world is that the definition of sex is partnered, penetrative intercourse. This is not the case! 
Here is the real definition of sex (as defined by psychologist and sexologist, Dr. Faith G. Harper): 
  • It is a consensual act
  • Between one or more people 
  • Involving stimulation of the vulva, clitoris, vagina, penis, testicles, or anus 
  • For the purpose of pleasure and/or emotional or social connectedness
There are no categories of intimate sensual connections that are superior to others. What matters is that you feel safe, comfortable, and want to be connected (with yourself or with others).   
You are completely and totally capable of intimacy and pleasure just as you are now. And know we are here to chat via email whenever you want.
Thank you for bringing to light this crucial question that affects each of us with MRKH. Firstly, always speak to your doctor about your personal dilation journey. Having a medical team around you is important. We also recommend you take advantage of the peer support offered by MRKH charities and events where you can connect with other MRKH warriors. 


No two people are the same when it comes to vaginal length and width! This means that whether you have MRKH or not, the vagina will vary from person to person. Likewise, if penetrative intercourse is one desired result of dilation, remember that no two penises are alike either. 


Vaginal tissues are malleable and there is always going to be a way to comfortably connect with your own body and with your partner’s body. For example, if you have been practicing dilation for months or years and have a vaginal length of 7 centimeters while your partner has a penis that is 15 centimeters, you can still practice penetration. It is not necessary for the full length of a penis to fit into a vagina. 


We completely understand the internal excitement, and sometimes overthinking, that comes alongside dilation (or even just the thought of it)! 


To help you decide whether dilation is something that feels right for you, here are some questions we encourage you to ask yourself: 
  • What does vaginal length and width mean to me? 
  • Why does having a vaginal canal matter? 
  • How will a vaginal canal fit into my life? 
  • Do I want one?


Dilation requires taking things step by step, practicing patience, and checking in with your mental health, well being, and comfortability. It also is a choice and is not something you ‘need’ to do. 
Thank you for your question. It’s awesome you are exploring your body and being mindful of practicing safe sex! 


Please keep this in mind: the definition of sex supersedes penis in vagina penetration. The fun and juicy activities that define sex include oral sex, self sex, anal sex, hands on genitals, dry humping, and so on. 


Penetration can potentially tear the vaginal walls and create scar tissue. This can happen as a result of the pressure from penetration being too forceful. Also, the risk of micro tears is heightened, for all vulva owners, when there is insufficient lubrication.  


We do always recommend you speak with your doctor before attempting penetration! Based on your specific case, your doctor will be able to advise you as to whether penetrative play is a safe practice for you before you undertake dilation or surgery. Likewise, your doctor will be able to advise you on which steps you can take to pursue dilation or surgery if you desire to do so.   


And here is the fun bit! Even when full penetration is not possible, there is nothing stopping you from gently placing a penis or a toy at the base of your vaginal dimple and experimenting with how that feels.  


If you feel comfortable and ready to continue experimentation with penis to vaginal dimple penetration (or, ideally, penis to vulva touching), here are some steps you can take to assure safety and compassion for your body as it is right now.  


  1. Explore your vulva and vaginal dimple on your own. Apply pressure to the vaginal opening with your finger or with a toy and take a mental note of what amount of pressure is comfortable.
  2. Communicate to your partner (and always choose a respectful and caring partner) that you want to take things soft and slow. 
  3. Ensure you are well lubricated! Water based lubricants soften and protect the vulva and vaginal tissues which lowers the risk of micro tears and macro tears alike.  
  4. Experiment with oral sex or full body massage before penis to vulva sexual exploration (and be sure to rub the head of the penis on your clitoris too). This will relax the muscles around your vulva and engorge the clitoris so that your sensations will be more pleasurable. It will also aid natural lubrication. 
  5. If, at any time, you experience any discomfort during penis to vulva/vaginal dimple play, speak up and either lighten the penetrative pressure or switch to another activity like oral, kissing, or light touching. 


We at MRKH Connect support pleasure-driven sexual experiences. You are completely capable of pleasure and you are entitled to experimentation. Do so at a pace that feels safe for you and never underestimate the joys of foreplay! 

Thank you for your question and openness. Please be compassionate with yourself. The fear  is real, but you can learn to walk alongside it. Please know you are not alone in these feelings. Just remember to go one step at a time.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate the fact you are now ready to acknowledge and allow MRKH to be a part of your life. This is undoubtedly a lioness-like step of strength.

MRKH does NOT affect your ability to give and receive intimate pleasure. Intimacy is something that can be learnt. I urge you to focus on what you can allow yourself to enjoy. Even something so simple as taking extra time to put together an outfit you feel beautiful in or eating slowly in order to thoroughly taste your food will serve you on your journey to becoming more comfortable with intimacy.

It seems you are also ready to start practicing your dating and relationship skills. The very first step is to constantly remind yourself, “I am worthy of pleasure and connection. I deserve intimacy. I am beautiful and perfect exactly as I am in this body.” This might sound cliché, but there is true power in knowing and discovering your worth.

The next step is to just get out there and go on some dates. Using dating apps, meetup groups, or meeting people naturally. It might be awkward or uncomfortable at first, but remember that you are only practicing. You can practice your intimacy skills on dates with conversation only. You don’t have to do anything else until you are ready.

Some tips for conversation on a date are to ask questions about the person you are on a date with, to be curious, and to ask yourself, “do I like them?” Try your best not to worry about whether they like you. And, whenever you catch yourself feeling insecure, remind yourself that most people feel this way on dates.

It can also be a good idea to ask trusted family or friends if they can be available to speak to you before and after your date for emotional support.

You are worthy and capable of being intimate with yourself and others. You’ve got this!

Thank you for getting in touch with us! As always, we support the notion that your Doctor has the best medical advice for you specifically. We are not in a position to provide that type of advice. However, we fully understand, resonate with, and appreciate your question as peers and hope our response will be helpful for you.

It is possible to dilate via penetration (when done mindfully with someone you trust completely and can communicate openly with on the subject). However, all bodies have different needs and limitations. If your Doctor specifically told you not to have penetrative sex with a partner yet, we advise you reopen that conversation with them to better understand why this is important for you. If you are at all unhappy with what your Doctor is proposing or have questions you don’t feel are answered then it’s always possible to get a second opinion.

We understand it can feel frustrating to wait but please remember that sex is more than just penis in vagina. Penis in vagina intercourse is only one possible avenue for having sex. Here are some sex and pleasure facts that might help to hone in on details of why intercourse is not necessary for pleasurable partnered sex: the brain is the largest human sex organ, the inside of the hands have the same amount of nerve endings (and pleasure capacity) as a penis, and sexological studies have shown that people who engage in same-sex relations have higher rates of sexual satisfaction due to the fact that they have sex that is not based around intercourse. (Don’t get us wrong, penetration can be amazing! But it is even better when all the other elements of sexual pleasure are infused with it).

Whilst you continue dilation, you absolutely harbor the power to be safely sexually active with your body as it is now (either solo via self-play or via partner play). Your clitoris, which is the only human body part that exists solely for pleasure, is on board and ready to be played with and aroused if you feel ready to do so.

If you do not want to explain or open conversation around your dilation situation with a partner, you can always simply tell them that you have a boundary of no intercourse. I.e. you are open to exploring erotic massage, oral sex, etc.. Exploring these options can be a great opportunity to broaden your perspectives on appreciating and learning what you enjoy when it comes to intimacy.

You might like to also check out the answers to the questions What tips are there to start to get comfortable with my body? and What tips are there to start to get comfortable with my body? where we also provide links to resources you might find helpful.

It is also worth mentioning that we live in a world where there is enormous pressure for young people to just inherently know how to have mind blowing sex. This is a ludicrous expectation as sex is learnt and, in most countries, proper sex education is seriously lacking in schools. In the world of sexology, a major theme is to aim for “good enough sex”.

Lastly, we would like to share with you that once you are ready for penetrative sex, it is completely ok if the first few penetrative experiences you have are just based on exploring what a penis/dilator/dildo feels like inside.

That might manifest as excitement to know you achieved the length you wanted. The exclamation of “omg, I did it, I fit it in!” deserves a celebration! We encourage you to challenge any worry about the sex being “great” and replace that with a goal to feel as comfortable, safe, and worthy as possible whilst acknowledging this is a starting point.

Thank you for reaching out. We’re thrilled that you’re asking questions to better understand yourself and your sexuality. We hope the information below will aid you on this journey towards further developing a satisfying sexual sense of self.

It’s understandable to have questions about how your vaginal canal compares to those who haven’t undergone MRKH dilation therapy. This concern is common in the MRKH community, and we want to acknowledge how challenging it is to feel uncertain about what defines a “normal” or “expected” vagina. Please remember, there’s no singular definition of normal, no specific expectation, and no need for you to be “fixed”.

To hone in on the subject of how vaginal canals vary from vulva owner to vulva owner, the answer is that no two are the same in shape, size, or elasticity. It is unlikely that you are ‘too loose’ because the idea that a woman is supposed to be wet and tight or that a man needs to be hard and big is comparable to the idea that shoes must have laces in order to be good shoes. You wouldn’t say that heels or ballet flats aren’t good shoes, right? In short, there are adorable shoes without laces, and there are lovely vaginal canals that do not fit into the category of ‘tight’.

It is also worth noting that vaginal canals relax as a woman’s arousal is heightened. This is a good thing as it allows for more comfortable penetration. However, we are not doctors. We can offer sexological expertise and peer support, but if you have any concerns about your dilation results, we always advise that you speak with your doctor.

In addition to consulting your doctor, here are a couple of actionable steps to help you feel more confident, sexy, and secure in your body. You absolutely deserve to feel that way! And developing confidence and openness towards receiving pleasure is a learnable skill.

  1.  Educate yourself on women’s sexuality. This is incredibly empowering, given that much of our sexual education from the media revolves around male pleasure. Check out these fantastic resources to explore how you can embrace your pleasure: ( and Come As You Are are excellent starting points!)

  2. Cultivate effective communication skills with your partner(s). Shifting how you discuss both MRKH and general pleasure with partners can be highly beneficial. Strive to approach these conversations with confidence, acknowledging your worthiness to feel sexy just as you are. Remember that your enjoyment and your partner’s enjoyment are both equally important! For example, It can be tempting to ask a partner, “do I feel normal?” Consider shifting that to, “does it feel good for you when we have sex? My favorite part is when you…” In short, talking about sex is sexy. It might feel awkward initially to discuss sex and pleasure in detail, but it becomes easier over time and is incredibly rewarding.

  3. Engage in kegel exercises. Strengthen your pelvic muscles and vaginal wall to boost confidence, pleasure, and body awareness. Not only do these exercises strengthen the pelvic floor, but they can also enhance orgasms if you experience them. Strengthening the PC muscles benefits any gender. And these are great to add in while doing dilation therapy.

Let us know if you have any more questions or just want to reach out and share how everything is going. We would love to hear from you again!

Thanks for reaching out with this great question! You are not at all alone in wanting answers to how surgery and/or dilation might translate into your future relationship with your body, your pleasure, your sexuality, and your overall daily routines. We’re here to provide some insight that we hope will be helpful for you.

From our own experiences as peers, though we are not medical professionals, we have the good news that you do not necessarily need to use dilators forever. We also want to highlight that while the initial dilation or lengthening process can be challenging, the subsequent maintenance is often less demanding than anticipated.

When it comes to dilation, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Considering that each human body is unique, how long one may wish to use dilators can vary from individual to individual. Some of the various factors that might influence your personal journey (initially and beyond) are as follows: skin elasticity, type of surgery, life circumstances, frequency of penetrative sexual activity or penetrative self-play with dildos, and frequency of dilator use. We also want to share that dilation alone is not the sole method for maintaining vaginal length and width. You will always have the choice to switch up your routines depending on how you are feeling! Some days you might be in a mood to use your dilators while other days you might prefer a more pleasure-based experience with a dildo or partner, and other days you might want to watch a movie, leave your dilators in the drawer, and not think about it. All of these are good options!

As always, we strongly recommend consulting with your doctor for personalized guidance if that is a viable option for you. They can offer insights tailored to your specific needs and circumstances, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

As an addition, visiting a Pelvic Floor Therapist can be super empowering! They offer less clinical experiences with dilation and pelvic self-care and usually have plenty of experience with dilators. Many vulva owners use dilators as part of their routine. It’s not only those of us with MRKH.

Remember, your journey is unique, and it’s all about finding what works best for you! We are rooting for you and know you will get through this.

P.S. We at MRKH Connect are currently developing peer led dilation resources and support. There is indeed a global shortage of dilation resources and information, especially so in relation to the experience itself rather than just the medical framework. We are dedicated to building resources in this area, so please stay tuned for updates.

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out with this question! We are not medical professionals, but we hope this information on the day-to-day experience of the dilation process will be helpful for you.

We completely understand that dilation can feel frustrating at times – you’re not alone in feeling this way! It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. This is especially true when it comes to different sizes of dilators.

We want to reassure you it’s absolutely normal to worry about whether you’ll be able to reach your desired results. But here’s the good news: you can do this! We encourage you to pay attention to both your physical and mental experiences during this process. If you’re feeling stuck with a particular dilator, it might be a good time to focus on your mindset.

Here’s a simple but effective tip: take a deep breath and remind yourself that you get to dilate at your own unique pace. Just like solving a tricky math problem or writing a story, there will be moments where you feel stuck. These are actually great opportunities to check in with yourself. When the frustration and overthinking hits, you can set down your dilator and go do something you enjoy – maybe a walk, a relaxing bath, or simply a cup of tea and a sweet treat. These small acts can be the best medicine! Why not give it a try? You may be pleasantly surprised at how much more manageable your dilation practice feels when you return with a refreshed perspective.

Regarding how long it might take to move up to each size, it’s hard to give a definite answer. From what we’ve seen, the larger dilators can indeed take longer to adjust to. Be patient with yourself, and don’t forget to use plenty of lubricant!

Remember, this journey is completely doable, even if it feels challenging at times. It’s normal for it to include a mix of emotions – exciting, scary, painful, pleasurable, and yes, sometimes annoying. The key is to take things one step at a time. You’ve got this! If you have any more questions or need support, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

Dear fellow MRKHer,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. I want to start by assuring you it is completely normal to have concerns about intimacy. My name is Nikol Dekazou and I am a board certified sexologist who, like yourself, has MRKH. With warmth and solidarity, I hope this information will be helpful for you as you continue on your journey of discovering your sexy sense of self.

First and foremost, please know your feelings are valid and shared by many vulva-owners, regardless of whether they have MRKH or not. Lubrication can be a complex topic, but it’s important to understand that having MRKH is not the root cause of your concern.

Recent research in sexology has revealed some interesting facts:

  • Vaginal lubrication is not always an indicator of arousal. In fact, there’s only about a 10% overlap between feelings of arousal and genital response in women. This phenomenon is called “non-concordance.”
  •  Lubrication in vulva owners comes from the Bartholin’s glands, located at the base of the vaginal opening or dimple. Good news – those of us with MRKH do have these glands!

It’s very common for bodies to not produce lubrication when we want them to, which can be frustrating. However, there are several things you can try:

  • Use lubricant! It exists for a reason, so give yourself permission to use it.
  • Experiment with self-pleasure to understand what feels good for you.
  • Ask for longer periods of foreplay before moving to penetration (women typically require 10 to 15 minutes longer to reach arousal than men do).
  • Communicate openly with your partner about your needs and concerns.

Remember, the media often portrays unrealistic expectations about sex. The idea that women should always be “wet” is a myth and doesn’t reflect the diverse experiences of real people.

You are completely capable of experiencing pleasure just as you are! It might take a little experimenting to figure out what feels good for you, but stick with it and give yourself permission to feel awkward and playful as you explore new ways to enhance pleasure and intimacy. Lube is a phenomenal tool that can definitely enhance your pleasure and comfort. It might even help stimulate your Bartholin’s glands to produce more natural lubrication by increasing your pleasure from the start.

Here are a couple of key tips to help you know where to get started with better understanding your pleasure:

  • Focus on what feels good for you rather than worrying about penetration.
  • Pay attention to your body’s “brakes” and “accelerators” – what turns you on and what might be holding you back.
  • Practice embodiment and get to know your body when you’re alone (this practice is crucial as it can help you figure out what to ask your partner for during intimate play).

Remember, intimacy is about connection, pleasure, and mutual enjoyment. It’s okay to take your time, communicate openly, and explore what works best for you and your partner.

Check out Emily Nagowski’s website to learn more about non-concordance and arousal accelerators and brakes. Emily is the author of, “Come As You Are.” I highly recommend educating yourself on these topics. Knowledge is power and knowledge is  sexy!

If you have any more questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. The MRKH Connect team is here to support you on your journey.

Send us your questions

No question is silly or stupid, we want everyone to feel comfortable to share their questions which are also all completely anonymous.  Whilst the MRKH Connect team are not medical professionals, and this page does not replace professional advice, we do work with doctors, psychologists and clinical sexologists to bring you advice and guidance.  No one should feel isolated because of these often sensitive topics.