Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser (MRKH) Syndrome: a comprehensive update

A new paper on MRKH syndrome has just been published!
Text below credit to Dr Morten Krogh Herlin

‘This paper is a detailed and documented review of the current state of knowledge in MRKH syndrome with perspectives for future care and research. Various key aspects are covered including:
– Epidemiology (prevalence)
– The century long history behind its name
– Embryology, etiology and genetics
– Clinical presentation and diagnosis including associated malformations and various gynecological issues (cyclic pain, endometriosis etc.)
– Differential diagnosis
– Psychological/psychosexual issues
– Management of vaginal agenesis (dilation, surgery)
– Infertility and uterus transplantation

The paper is written for health professionals, but it is our hope that it may as well be of value to patients and their relatives.

It has been published in Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases co-written with the world pioneer on uterus transplantation Professor Mats Brännström and has open access and you are welcome to share with whomever it may interest’

Click this link to read the article: Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser (MRKH) Syndrome: a comprehensive update