SAVE THE DATE for this very special event!
SO VVVV EXCITED🎉 (and that is not an ovary-reaction) to announce that tickets to The Vagina Festival @vaginafest are ON SALE NOW. Brought to you by @myhairyvagandme & @vavawomb_ in support of two wonderful charities, the @eveappeal who work to raise awareness and help to prevent gynae cancers and @mrkhconnect who connect and provide support for the 1 in 5000 with MRKH.
Join the Vagina Festival team virtually on Saturday 13th March from 6.30pm UK time for an all inclusive night of vulva loving, gynaecological storytelling, heartfelt poetry and vajazzling art, all in the name of shaking stigma and celebrating body honesty. This is all about real people and real stories.
Featuring the incredible spoken word artist, @missyankey, vagtastic performer @myhairyvagandme and more special guests to be announced plus a beautiful bunch of open micers and body positive artists showcasing their work.
For tickets and more info on how to get involved as a performer and/or visual artist follow the link in bio or search for the event on Eventbrite –
Wonderful people of all genders welcome.
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