As Told by Childless Women is an oral history talk show series hosted by Jobi Tyson of Tutum Global.  This series aims to shatter the often sidelined topic of female childlessness. Each weekly episode brings thought provoking, curiosity-fueled one-on-one interview with a childless woman featuring defined terms and tackles a range of reasons that lead to childlessness by sharing real stories and experiences.

Behind every childless woman, there’s a story.

We are delighted to say that MRKH features in the second episode of this series, first released on 25th November 2020 and featured our very own Director Charlie (or Charlotte as referred to here).    Listen to Charlie as she shares her experiences of having MRKH, the ups and downs in emotion and making the decision that it was ok if having children didn’t happen and that she was actually happy after many years chasing a dream she thought she wanted.

This is her story.