Hi! I am A from Singapore and it has been 10 years since I was diagnosed with MRKH. 10 years of making sense of this condition, figuring out what my future will be like with MRKH and not talking about it as openly as I am now because I am afraid that I will make the people around me sad or uncomfortable. But looking back, I would not trade this 10 years of my life because it has created a spark in me now to talk and learn about MRKH more than I ever wanted to.
2020 has been an emotional ride and mental struggle for all of us as we deal with the global pandemic (or what I would refer to as Miss Covid). Truth be told, I have been figuring out what my purpose in life is. Part of me have always wanted to be an advocate for something but I have no idea what that is. I wanted to stand for something that I have experience dealing with.
Growing up with MRKH and in an Asian household, I tend to keep things to myself and struggle with taboos about not “losing face” or not be a disgrace to the extended family or friends. Basically, try not to stand out with your “disabilities” or “failures”. Open conversations are allowed but within the household only. It was a struggle because there is always an itch in me that I want to be able to speak up freely and openly because my views on what I deemed as “disabilities” is different and I didn’t want to feel ashamed of my experiences with MRKH.
Surprisingly, the lockdown (or what Singaporeans refer to as Circuit Breaker) has led me to communities of women (and men too!) fiercely making change, educating and raising awareness in the MRKH scene. 10 years of feeling lonely and surpressed feels like it is coming to an end. It still amazes me how much I talk about MRKH now because I talk about it more than I ever did in my last 10 years combined! It has also inspired me to take my first step and creating MRKH Singapore on Instagram (@mrkhsingapore) which aims to raise awareness, be a safe space for MRKH warriors to connect and educate our local community. We are still a baby in this advocacy but it feels right. Personally, this platform and being able to connect with women like myself everywhere in the world have provided me the opportunity to heal as I take this forward step by step and realising that I am not alone in this journey.
I am very excited for what’s to come as we grow our community and hopeful that we can reach out to more of us locally/globally and bring about support and love.
Hello A 🤗 I love the ‘Miss COVID’ expression ! I too have not really talked about ‘my’ MRKH but have also found that throughout lockdown (Miss Covid’s doing 🦠🙄🤪) that I have looked to connect with more people who are experiencing and have experienced the same. I have huge admiration for you in creating MRKH Singapore -stay strong beautiful lady the world needs women like you 🥰