At the age of 17 when I was diagnosed with MRKH I was completely devastated as my world around me collapsed.ย 

Ever since I can remember I have suffered with anxiety, and being diagnosed with MRKH added to my anxiety and eventually it sent me into a spiral of mixed emotions and finally resultedย  me having severe depression for a short period.

I felt alone, scared what my future wouldย  hold, would I find love and find someone whom would except me and my MRKH condition?? The uncertainty swamped and consumed my emotions/ well being.ย 

Every day I woke up and felt the same emotionsโ€ฆโ€ฆย 

โ€œ I canโ€™t have children, I canโ€™t have children!!!โ€ I felt sick with sadness and despair. I turned my back on God and my faith. I felt punished and could not understand why me? Why had God chosen this journey for me? I had just completed my first year at college,ย  training to become an Early years Practitioner.ย 

From the age of 14 I had always wanted to work with children, and wished for a large familyโ€ฆโ€ฆ now suddenly it felt like that my dreams had been taken away from me!ย 

I was angry with God, and it stayed with me along with the resentment for many years, itโ€™s why I probably suffered with a breakdown and mentally shutdown.

Gradually after seeking professional help over a course of many yearsย  I began to slowly except my condition and that I would not have my own children.ย 

I learnt for me that โ€œit wasnโ€™t the end of the world!โ€ I could live a happy for filling future without becoming a โ€œmumโ€.

I have always worked with children , and for many yearsย ย  I believed children made me who I was, without them in my life I wasnโ€™t truly me/ happy. I even called myselfย  “Mary Poppins”.

To help and support my mental health and well-being, I meditate regularly, journal, read, practice yoga and get out in nature as much as I can. These activities have definitely helpedย  and contributed to a healthy and happier me!

Fast forward to the present day, I can fully say hand on heart that Iโ€™m at peace with MRKHโ€ฆโ€ฆ. I learnt to forgive God and realised he had a plan for me. Iโ€™m where I am today because what Iโ€™ve endured.ย 

Iโ€™ve had to suffer the worse days of my life to conquer, be grateful and feel blessed having the best days of my life!ย 

My MRKH community have without a doubt been the main supportย  where my healing/ acceptance has formed from.ย 

My well being/mental health living with MRKH is now the best it has ever been and even though itโ€™s been a roller coaster journey, I wouldnโ€™t want my life any other way.ย 

I was born a MRKH warrior, itโ€™s made me a stronger , more resilient, courageous, and confident woman than I ever imagined.ย 

I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate at the age of 19yrs, and we have been happily married for nearly 20 yrs.ย 

If someone asked me if I had a choice to be born with/ without a uterus, I would not hesitate and replyโ€ฆโ€ฆ โ€œIโ€™d be born without a uterusโ€ why?ย 

Because without my MRKH community I wouldnโ€™t have the pleasure of knowing so many amazing, strong, supportive, and compassionate women that Iโ€™m proud to call my family.ย 

Iโ€™m unique,ย 

Iโ€™m proud,ย 

Iโ€™m a warrior,ย 

Iโ€™m 1 in 5,000!!!ย ย