Improving Trauma-Informed Care for women with MRKH
Dani Podolin under the supervision of Dr. Beth Kirsner in the Department of Psychological Science at Kennesaw State University, USA have a new MRKH research study and are inviting the community to respond. Your role in this study consists of responding to an anonymous online survey. The purpose of this study is to improve trauma-informed care for women with MRKH Syndrome.
Please note that this affiliated with MRKH Connect directly but we always welcome new MRKH research that may be of interest to the community and thought it was worth sharing. Any questions about the study can be directed to the researcher directly.
Participants will be asked questions about their diagnosis and your various experiences in relation to MRKH. The survey should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. No identifiable information will be collected during the completion of this survey.
Participants must have MRKH and be ages 18 or older.
To complete the survey follow this link before August 30th
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