Do you have MRKH?

Would you like to help with MRKH research?

Researchers at King’s College London want to hear from you!

King’s College are carrying out research to learn more about the associations between self-compassion, psychological flexibility, and distress in people with MRKH to help develop better ways to support people with MRKH in using psychological therapies in the future, a topic of great interest to MRKH Connect to ensure the community has the best support possible.

Who can take part?

  • Anyone aged 16 years or older with MRKH can take part.
  • There is unfortunately no funding available for translation, all participants will need to be able to read and answer the questions in English

What will happen if I take part?

You will be asked to complete consent form and a set of questionnaires in an online survey. This will take about 10-20 minutes.  The Survey will close on 22nd July.


Click this link to take you to the information sheet, consent form and survey!

If you have any questions, please contact the primary researcher,

Amirah Tariq Saeed:

Supervisor: Dr Susan Carroll (