Do you have MRKH and are you from the UK, aged between 20-25 years old and comfortable addressing topics around MRKH and facilitating discussion in a small group setting and motivated to support others? We are looking for a new Youth Leader to join our team!
The MRKH Connect Youth Program began in 2022 and Connect have been honoured to receive funding from the National Lottery to roll out the Program into 2023. Connect want to continue to offer this program to the community in 2024 and beyond and are now looking to bring a new Youth Leader on board. If you are new to our Youth Program, you can find out more here.
The role of the Youth Leader is to deliver an online group support program for young people who are newly diagnosed with MRKH. The Youth Leader works closely with the Connect team, with close supervision and guidance, to develop and deliver the youth program which is run over a 6 sessions set (run on consecutive weeks) with 3-4 Program sets expected per year whilst also contributing to the youth outreach activities of Connect.
Find out more about what to consider with the role and how to apply at the link!
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