MRKH Connect are proud to share that we are launching a Youth Program! This program is the first of its kind in our community and has been designed for those diagnosed with MRKH that are aged between 16-23 years old.ย  ย The program is led by Joanna Mallinson a qualified Youth Worker contracted by MRKH Connect.

The program will run online over 6 sessions over 6 consecutive weeks starting on 6th September 2022 and finishing on 11th October 2022. Each session will be 1.5 – 2 hours where 1-1.5 hours starting at ย and will incorporate group activities, self reflection and engagement.ย  The remaining time will be for optional and relaxed social engagement together as a group.ย  Each session starts at 7pm UK time (GMT+1).

The program is being offered free of charge and is fully funded by MRKH Connect.ย  Places are limited however if this program proves a success, and is of interest to our community, we anticipate opening up future opportunities to facilitate this program.

Who can apply?

This program is open to anyone diagnosed with MRKH aged between of 16-23 years old globally, whoย  are able to commit to the times and dates of this program. Unfortunately it is only possible to offer this training in English so a good command of English would be necessary to join this program at this time.

How might this program benefit me?

We want all participants to get the most out of this program whilst also feeling informed, connected and supported by others.ย  Here are some ofย  the benefits we anticipate this program will offer for those participating.

Being part of this program could help you:

  • Move towards a better acceptance of MRKH.
  • Help you develop strategies to set personal and meaningful goals.
  • Improve wellbeing.
  • Build confidence and enhance a sense of entitlement when seeking loving and fulfilling relationships.
  • Create social support networks.
  • Make new friends who understand you and empathise with the MRKH diagnosis.
  • Engage with existing social networks more confidently.

How much do I need to commit to?ย 

If you sign up to the program you are committing your time (as much as possible) to attend all 6 sessions and participate in them in a group setting.ย  Each session includes both learningย  activities as well as practical tools to allow for self exploration and reflection along with activities to do in your own time before the next session.

As this is a group program we encourage engagement and participation from all who attend, to ensure you maximise the benefit from this program.ย  However, we also appreciate that this can be a bit daunting. We do encourage all participants to have their cameras on and participate as much as possible to get the most benefit from the program.

This program is not designed or intended for any participant to feel the need to publicly disclose their MRKH diagnosis (or thoughts and feelings associated with it) but to feel more empowered despite the challenges associated with MRKH.ย  The tools and exercises in the program are designed to be creative, engaging and self exploratory and most of all fun.

We ask those opting to participate in this program,ย  to carefully evaluate your time commitments prior to application. Whilst we understand the demands of daily life, such as work and study, spots are limited. With this in mind, we ask you to value this opportunity as unfortunately, not every application can be accepted due to interest.

What else do I need to know about the program?

It is important to state that this is NOT therapy but an educational program.ย  As such there is a screening process for this program to ensure that all who take part are able to get the most benefit from this program.ย  For some, this program may not be suitable, and if this is the case for any who express interest, then recommendations will be made to the individual so they can make a decision as to what is an alternative source of support. This might include recommendations such as other support mechanisms or specialist services which might be more appropriate.


MRKH Connect takes confidentiality very seriously.ย  Sessions will not be recorded and no information will be shared publicly on who is participating in this program.ย  We also ask that all those participating respect each other and do not share any personal details of any other participants, their stories or anything they share whilst undertaking this program.

Whilst MRKH Connect cannot control or censor information shared by participants a statement of confidentiality will be announced at the start of each session as a friendly reminder.ย  Any disrespectful behaviour towards another participant or the organisers (including sharing confidential information) will not be tolerated.

All personal information will be retained by MRKH Connect in the same way it manages its Members Area and in line with its Safeguarding protocols. Participant information will not be shared with any third party, including the Youth Worker.ย  MRKH Connect will be overseeing the program and arranging each session for participants.ย  2 MRKH Connect team members (who also have MRKH) will be present at each session to ensure safeguarding and to provide additional support to participants as needed.

All communication about the program will be directly managed by MRKH Connect.

How do I sign up?ย 

Follow the link to register your interest, this form includes some screening questions as well.ย  Once approved all prospective attendees will be invited to a session with the Connect team to ensure you are happy with what the program is and how it will work and to give you the chance to meet others ahead of the program start.ย  The screening questions will request some information about your age, diagnosis, what you want to get from the program etc, all of which will be necessary for us to ensure that this program is right for you and that you, and all those participating feel as comfortable as possible.ย  We hope you understand why we take these steps.